2019 Conference Program Details

2019 Conference Program Details

Participant List | Conference Program (xls) | Conference Program (pdf)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

1:00pm – 6:30pm

Room: Regency Ballroom Foyer

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

2:00pm – 3:30pm

Room: Oaks

Executive Committee Meeting

4:00pm – 5:45pm

Room: Regency Ballroom South

Conference Welcome, Special Introductions

Session Chair: Edward Lopez

Room: Regency Ballroom South

Plenary Session 1: Thomas Stratmann on Campaign Finance

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Campaign Contributions. Do they Matter for Policy Outcomes?
Presenter: Thomas Stratmann

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: The Spire

Opening Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies and Public Choice Society

7:30pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

Friday, March 15, 2019

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Regency Ballroom Foyer

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Regency Ballroom Foyer

Continental Breakfast – Sponsored by the F. A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in PPE and Public Choice Society

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Empirical Public Policy & Entrepreneurship

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Economic Freedom and Entrepreneurial Startup Activities in the United States Download paper
Presenter: Shishir Shakya
Discussant: Eric C. Mota

Public Policy and Entrepreneurship: The Adverse Effects of Well-Intended Policies Download paper
Presenter: Eric C. Mota
Co-Author(s): Peter G. Klein
Discussant: Jeremy Jackson

Creative Destruction, Job Reallocation, and Subjective Well-being Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Jackson
Co-Author(s): Mona Ahmadiani; Adam Hyde
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Local Economic Freedom and Creative Destruction in America Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Bennett
Discussant: Shishir Shakya

Room: Churchill Downs


Session Chair: Daniel Gibbs
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Civil service reform, self-selection, and bureaucratic performance Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Gibbs
Discussant: Janet Kohlhase

Can Bureaucrats Manipulate Policy Outcomes? Download paper
Presenter: Janet Kohlhase
Co-Author(s): Craig, Steven; Hoang, Edward; Kohlhase, Janet
Discussant: Pedro Camões

Where or Whom to Contract? An Empirical Study of Political Proximity in Public Procurement at Municipal Level Download paper
Presenter: Pedro Camões
Co-Author(s): Cerejeira, João
Discussant: Alfa Farah

Winning a District Office in a Clientelistic Society: Evidence from Indonesia Download paper
Presenter: Alfa Farah
Discussant: Daniel Gibbs

Room: Regency South A

Law & Econ I

Session Chair: Murat Mungan
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

Evidence on Court System Bias from Strategic Judge Assignment
Presenter: Jillian Carr
Co-Author(s): McClain, William
Discussant: Anna Harvey

Within-Judge Estimates of Appointment and Election In Criminal Appeals
Presenter: Anna Harvey
Co-Author(s): DeAngelo, Greg
Discussant: Murat Mungan

Positive Sanctions
Presenter: Murat Mungan
Discussant: Alexander Lundberg

On the Public Finance of Capital Punishment
Presenter: Alexander Lundberg
Discussant: Jillian Carr

Room: Regency South B

The Politics of Criminal Justice

Session Chair: David Skarbek
Session Organizer: David Skarbek

Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation Download paper
Presenter: Anna Gunderson
Discussant: Joshua Page

A Constructed Reality: Desperation and Service in the Bail Industry
Presenter: Joshua Page
Discussant: Adaner Usmani

The Racial Politics of the Punitive Turn
Presenter: Adaner Usmani
Co-Author(s): Clegg, John
Discussant: Jennifer Doleac

Algorithmic Risk Assessment Tools in the Hands of Humans
Presenter: Jennifer Doleac
Co-Author(s): Stevenson, Megan
Discussant: Anna Gunderson

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

Political Economy Case Studies

Session Chair: Peter Frank
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

An Expansive Pro-Life Movement: Political, Economic and Religious Perspectives on Refugees and Immigration in America Download paper
Presenter: Peter Frank
Co-Author(s): Ellis, Joseph; Castello, Sergio; Warren, Matthew
Discussant: Jonatan Lemus

Judicial strategic behavior in Guatemala’s Constitutional Court in tax cases from 2006 to 2018 Download paper
Presenter: Jonatan Lemus
Co-Author(s): Galdamez, Enrique, Santos, Carolina; Fernandez, Santiago;
Discussant: Abdel-Hameed Nawar

Do Economics and Political Science Scholars Differ on Public Choice Issues? Evidence from Brazil
Presenter: Abdel-Hameed Nawar
Discussant: Cameron Weber

“Heuristic on Art-Statism: How State Art Production Can Create Preferences in Voters for a State with Greater Discretionary Power, with Case Studies from the New Deal” Download paper
Presenter: Cameron Weber
Co-Author(s): Weber, Cameron
Discussant: Peter Frank

Room: Hialeah

Political History

Session Chair: Clara Piano
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The comparative endurance and efficiency of religion. Download paper
Presenter: Anthony Gill
Discussant: Clara Piano

An Economic Theory of Economic Analysis: The Case of the School of Salamanca Download paper
Presenter: Clara Piano
Discussant: Emil Duhnea

Buchanan and Bloomington Download paper
Presenter: Emil Duhnea
Co-Author(s): Martin, Adam
Discussant: Anthony Gill

Room: Gulfstream

Normative Public Choice

Session Chair: Richard Jankowski
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Cicero: A Constitutional Defense of the Roman Republic Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jankowski
Discussant: Jon Murphy

Frederic Bastiat: Public Choice Theorist Download paper
Presenter: Jon Murphy
Discussant: Vasyl Kvartiuk

Why “limited access” institutions may jeopardize federalism: Agriculture subsidization in the EU and Russia Download paper
Presenter: Vasyl Kvartiuk
Co-Author(s): Thomas Herzfeld, Jana Demoustier
Discussant: Nick Cowen

The mirage of mark-to-market taxation: Capital taxation within the market process Download paper
Presenter: Nick Cowen
Co-Author(s): Delmotte, Charles
Discussant: Richard Jankowski

Room: Kentucky Suite

Public Choice Dynamics

Session Chair: Benjamin Blemings
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Riding Dirty: The Political Economy of Disruptive Pavement Maintenance Download paper
Presenter: Benjamin Blemings
Co-Author(s): Bock, Margaret
Discussant: Steven Johnson

The Effect of State-Level Welfare Policy on Disability Acceptance Rates Download paper
Presenter: Steven Johnson
Discussant: Pedro Camões

Using Wavelets to Test the Waves of Democracy Download paper
Presenter: Pedro Camões
Co-Author(s): Aguiar-Conraria, Luis
Discussant: Benjamin Blemings

Room: Keeneland

Formal and Informal Institutions

Session Chair: Edward Lopez
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Cognitive Dimension of Institutions Download paper
Presenter: Edward Lopez
Co-Author(s): James L. Caton
Discussant: Daniel Rothschild

Social and Asocial Capital: Social Embeddedness and Government Intervention Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Rothschild
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Hayekian Welfare States: Explaining the co-existence of economic freedom and big government Download paper
Presenter: Andreas Bergh
Discussant: Edward Lopez

9:30am – 10:00am

Coffee Break – Sponsored by the Duke PPE Program

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Regency Ballroom South

Plenary Session 2: PCS Past President Bernie Grofman on Redistricting

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Creating Congressional Districts: A Public Choice Perspective
Presenter: Bernard Grofman

11:20am – 12:50pm

Lunch on Own

Room: Belmont

Executive Committee Luncheon

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Regency South B

Fifth Annual Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Prize for Best Combined Paper and Presentaiton by a Graduate Student

Session Chair: Edward Lopez
Session Organizer: Lynne Kiesling

Why Do States Privatize their Prisons? The Unintended Consequences of Inmate Litigation Download paper
Presenter: Anna Gunderson
Discussant: David Skarbek

The Effect of State-Level Welfare Policy on Disability Acceptance Rates Download paper
Presenter: Steven Johnson
Discussant: Roberta Herzberg

The Fiscal Truth: Personal Fiscal Information Curbs Enthusiasm for Tax and Spend Download paper
Presenter: Kaetana Leontjeva
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Room: Churchill Downs

International Political Economy

Session Chair: Friedrich Schneider
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Are Fiscal Multiplier Estimates Politically Biased? Download paper
Presenter: Friedrich Heinemann
Co-Author(s): Asatryan, Zareh; Havlik, Annika; Heinemann, Friedrich; Nover, Justus
Discussant: Friedrich Schneider

Cash in Circulation and the Shadow Economy: An Empirical Investigation Download paper
Presenter: Friedrich Schneider
Co-Author(s): Seitz, Franz and Reimrers Hans-Eggert
Discussant: Katsuzo Yamamoto

Spatial Model Analysis and the Rational Choice Approach about Brinkmanship and Inadvertent War Download paper
Presenter: Katsuzo Yamamoto
Discussant: Friedrich Heinemann

Room: Kentucky Suite

Artificial Intelligence and Public Choice Roundtable

Session Chair: Steven Brams
Session Organizer: Mahendra Prasad

AI Research Needs Public Choice
Presenter: Mahendra Prasad
Discussant: Baobao Zhang

Artificial Intelligence: American Attitudes and Trends
Presenter: Baobao Zhang
Co-Author(s): Allan Dafoe
Discussant: Allan Dafoe

Governing AI
Presenter: Allan Dafoe
Discussant: Roman Yampolskiy

Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security
Presenter: Roman Yampolskiy
Discussant: Mahendra Prasad

Room: Gulfstream

Domestic and International Federalism: Game Theoretic Properties

Session Chair: Yukari Iwanami
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Burden-Sharing among Alliance Members and the Reassurance Effect of Military Alliances Download paper
Presenter: Yukari Iwanami
Discussant: Shigeo Morita

Endogenous timing in tax competition and tax revenue orientation Download paper
Presenter: Shigeo Morita
Discussant: Ajay Sharma

Nash Equilibrium in Tax and Public Investment Competition
Presenter: Ajay Sharma
Co-Author(s): Pal, Rupayan
Discussant: Alex Theisen

Carrots, Sticks, and Words: Characterizing Soft and Hard Power in International Relations Download paper
Presenter: Alex Theisen
Discussant: Yukari Iwanami

Room: Keeneland

Experimental Public Choice I

Session Chair: Lucas Rentschler
Session Organizer: Gregory DeAngelo

Tilting the playing field in all-pay auctions
Presenter: Lucas Rentschler
Co-Author(s): Dan Kovenock
Discussant: Daniel Kling

Observability without observation: The effect of impersonal social pressure messages in a GOTV experiment Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Kling
Co-Author(s): Stratmann, Thomas
Discussant: Evan Calford

Law enforcement and strategic uncertainty
Presenter: Evan Calford
Co-Author(s): DeAngelo, Greg
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

Moral Cost in Weighted Committee Decisions
Presenter: Thomas Stratmann
Co-Author(s): Nicola Maaser
Discussant: Lucas Rentschler

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

How Policies Affect Growth, Productivity, and Trade

Session Chair: Scott Baier
Session Organizer: Patrick McLaughlin

Using Machine Learning to Quantify Trade Agreements
Presenter: Scott Baier
Co-Author(s): Narendra Regmi
Discussant: Bentley Coffey

Regulatory Budgeting and Economic Growth: Evidence from British Columbia
Presenter: Bentley Coffey
Co-Author(s): McLaughlin, Patrick; Peretto, Pietro
Discussant: Tyler Richards

Regulation and Productivity in US Manufacturing Download paper
Presenter: Tyler Richards
Co-Author(s): Patrick McLaughlin; Bentley Coffey
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori

National Emergency and Security Spending Download paper
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori
Discussant: Scott Baier

Room: Regency South A

Theory of Rent Seeking

Session Chair: Paan Jindapon
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Network Spillovers in Tullock’s Contests Download paper
Presenter: Michael Smith
Co-Author(s): Dr. Paan Jindapon
Discussant: Wolfgang Leininger

Rent-Seeking in Nature: a Reassessment of Evolutionary Stability in Contests Download paper
Presenter: Wolfgang Leininger
Discussant: Cheng Li

Centralized Policymaking and Informational Lobbying Download paper
Presenter: Cheng Li
Discussant: Jeremy Kidd

Collusive Rent-Seeking in Cy Pres Class Action Settlements Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Kidd
Co-Author(s): Whitehead, Michael
Discussant: Paan Jindapon

2:30pm – 2:40pm


2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Culture, Institutions and Development I

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Securing Personal Freedom through Institutions – The Role of Democracy and Judicial Independence Download paper
Presenter: Niclas Berggren
Co-Author(s): Gutmann, Jerg
Discussant: Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa

The Role of Culture and Institutions in Economic Development
Presenter: Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa
Co-Author(s): Bennett, Daniel; Faria, Hugo; Gwartney, James; Navarro, Carlos

Trust, regulation and contracting institutions Download paper
Presenter: Claudia Williamson
Co-Author(s): Cline, Brandon
Discussant: Niclas Berggren

Room: Churchill Downs

Law & Econ II

Session Chair: Kevin Grier
Session Organizer: Vincent Geloso

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Presenter: Samuel Absher
Discussant: Vincent Geloso

More severe punishments, more severe crashes: evidence from drunk driving
Presenter: Kerianne Lawson
Co-Author(s): DeAngelo, Gregory
Discussant: Robin Grier

Exposure to Drug Cartels and the Allocation of Consumption Spending in Mexico
Presenter: Robin Grier
Co-Author(s): Grier, Kevin; Hicks, Dan; Blanco, Luisa
Discussant: Kevin Grier

Tonight We’re Gonna Parti (Quebecois) like it’s 1976
Presenter: Kevin Grier
Co-Author(s): Geloso, Vincent
Discussant: Samuel Absher

Room: Regency South A

Epistemic Choice and Public Choice

Session Chair: Roberta Herzberg
Session Organizer: Lenore Ealy

Conscience, Covenant, and Cascades of Meaning: Notes toward transcending the vulnerabilities of democracy Download paper
Presenter: Lenore Ealy
Discussant: James Caton

Sovereignty, Speech Acts, and the Evolution of Institutions Download paper
Presenter: James Caton
Co-Author(s): Edward J. López
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Janus without Cores: A venture into Social Epistemology Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Discussant: Rok Novak

The Orderly Frameworks of Disorderly Plans: Radical Subjectivism as a Feature of Entangled Social Orders
Presenter: Rok Novak
Co-Author(s): Fritz, Roland
Discussant: Lenore Ealy

Room: Regency South B

Technology Policy Through a Public Choice Lens (Roundtable)

Session Chair: Lynne Kiesling
Session Organizer: Lynne Kiesling

Technology Policy Through a Public Choice Lens: Net Neutrality
Presenter: Thomas Hazlett

Electricity and the Digital Energy Future
Presenter: Lynne Kiesling

Technology Policy Through a Public Choice Lens: Antitrust Populism
Presenter: Thom Lambert

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

PSE: Politics, Sociolocy, Economics

Session Chair: Peter Calcagno
Session Organizer: Peter Calcagno

Constitutions and Social Trust: An Analysis of the U.S. States
Presenter: Peter Calcagno
Co-Author(s): Ahnen, David
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Social Trust and Political Independence Download paper
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Co-Author(s): Jerg Gutmann, Stefan Voigt
Discussant: Art Carden

It’s in Smith: An Ethically Mature Citizenry is Necessary for Growth Download paper
Presenter: Art Carden
Co-Author(s): Marshall, Jennings B.; Caskey, Greg
Discussant: Peter Calcagno

Room: Hialeah

Elections and Governance

Session Chair: Taiki Susa
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Timing of election under globalization: a tax competition approach Download paper
Presenter: Taiki Susa
Discussant: Mats Ekman

Advance Voting and Political Competiton Download paper
Presenter: Mats Ekman
Discussant: Arthur Nelson

Advertising and Entry Deterrence in U.K. Parliamentary Elections
Presenter: Arthur Nelson
Discussant: James Strickland

Lobbying for a Cause: Public Interests, Private Interests, and Single-Interest Advocates Download paper
Presenter: James Strickland
Discussant: Taiki Susa

Room: Gulfstream

Governance and Economic Development

Session Chair: Helena Helfer
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Democracy and Prosperity – The Special Case of Latin America Download paper
Presenter: Helena Helfer
Discussant: Nicholas Reinarts

Democracy, Stability, and Prosperity: A Panel Data Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Nicholas Reinarts
Discussant: Peter Jacobsen

Planning the Public Download paper
Presenter: Peter Jacobsen
Discussant: Linan Peng

Room: Kentucky Suite

Legislative and Coalition Politics

Session Chair: Georg Vanberg
Session Organizer: Georg Vanberg

Logrolling and Minoritarian Rule
Presenter: Michelle Whyman
Discussant: Steven Brams

The (Police) Agency Problem: Police Use of Deadly Force Download paper
Presenter: David Fortunato
Co-Author(s): Scott Cook
Discussant: Michelle Whyman

Coalition Government, Legislative Institutions, and Public Policy in Parliamentary Democracies
Presenter: Georg Vanberg
Co-Author(s): Lanny Martin
Discussant: Daniel Smith

Turn-Taking in Office Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Smith
Discussant: David Fortunato

Room: Keeneland

Conflict, Violence, and Governance

Session Chair: David Skarbek
Session Organizer: David Skarbek

Civilian Support for Criminal and Political Armed Groups: Evidence from Colombia
Presenter: Livia Schubiger
Co-Author(s): De Bruin, Erica; Weintraub, Michael
Discussant: Danilo Freire

What Drives State-Sponsored Violence?: Evidence from Extreme Bounds Analysis and Ensemble Learning Models Download paper
Presenter: Danilo Freire
Co-Author(s): Uzonyi, Gary
Discussant: John Meadowcroft

The Logic of Far-Right Activism Download paper
Presenter: John Meadowcroft
Discussant: Anja Shortland

Kidnap: Inside the Ransom Business
Presenter: Anja Shortland
Discussant: Livia Schubiger

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Keeneland

Corporate Welfare

Session Chair: Amihai Glazer
Session Organizer: Amihai Glazer

Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: New Evidence from Large Plant Openings
Presenter: Carlianne Patrick
Co-Author(s): Partridge, Mark
Discussant: Paul Pecorino

Public goods and lobbying with participation costs
Presenter: Paul Pecorino
Co-Author(s): Conlon, John R.
Discussant: Amihai Glazer

Incentives, Plant Locations, and Plant Survival
Presenter: Amihai Glazer
Co-Author(s): Nicholas Kumomoto
Discussant: Tae Kim

Does a Firm’s Political Capital Affect Its Investment and Innovation?
Presenter: Tae Kim
Discussant: Carlianne Patrick

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Experimental Public Choice II

Session Chair: Jason Aimone
Session Organizer: Gregory DeAngelo

Herd Behavior under Varying Degrees of Uncertainty
Presenter: Adam Hoffer
Co-Author(s): Tsang, Ming; Stivers, Adam
Discussant: Jason Ralston

Pay, Pleas, and Prosecutorial Leniency
Presenter: Jason Ralston
Co-Author(s): Rentschler, Lucas; Aimone Jason; North, Charles
Discussant: Rustam Romaniuc

Risk, Ambiguity, And False Confessions : An experimental laboratory study of the innocence problem
Presenter: Jason Aimone
Co-Author(s): North, Charles; Ralston, Jason; Rentschler, Jason
Discussant: Adam Hoffer

Room: Regency South B

Political Economy of Corruption

Session Chair: Oguzhan Dincer
Session Organizer: Oguzhan Dincer

The Effects of Federal Regulations on Corruption in U.S. States
Presenter: Oguzhan Dincer
Co-Author(s): Gunalp, Burak
Discussant: Jordan Gans-Morse

Self-Selection into Public Service When Corruption is Widespread: Evidence from Post-Soviet Russia Download paper
Presenter: Jordan Gans-Morse
Co-Author(s): A. Kalgin, A. Klimenko, D. Vorobyev, A. Yakovlev
Discussant: Robert Gillanders

The Role of a Free Press in Combating Business Corruption Download paper
Presenter: Robert Gillanders
Co-Author(s): Binhadab, Nouf; Breen, Michael
Discussant: Sriparna Ghosh

BRICS: Cooperation for Development Or A New Channel For Corruption?
Presenter: Sriparna Ghosh
Co-Author(s): Olga Nicoara
Discussant: Oguzhan Dincer

Room: Regency South A

Empirical State and Local Political Economy

Session Chair: Dean Stansel
Session Organizer: Dean Stansel

Is Occupational Licensing a Bipartisan Issue?
Presenter: Daniel Sutter
Co-Author(s): Dove, John A.
Discussant: Dean Stansel

Horizontal “Checks and Balances” in the Socialist Regime: Prefecture City Level Evidence from China Download paper
Presenter: Yang Zhou
Discussant: Daniel Sutter

Economic Freedom and Migration: A Metro Area-Level Analysis Download paper
Presenter: Dean Stansel
Co-Author(s): Arif, Imran; Hoffer, Adam
Discussant: Yang Zhou

Room: Churchill Downs

Public Finance and Federalism in Developing Countries

Session Chair: Monica Escaleras
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Assessing the Impact of Decentralization and Political Institutions on Infrastructure Quality Download paper
Presenter: Monica Escaleras
Co-Author(s): Chiang, Eric
Discussant: Samir Zine El Alaoui

Strategic interactions between Moroccan local governments are geographical or political? Download paper
Presenter: Samir Zine El Alaoui
Co-Author(s): Maria EL KHDARI; Samira OUKARFI; Youness SAHIBI
Discussant: Mansokku Lee

Public Trust, Government Spending, and Financial Development
Presenter: Mansokku Lee
Discussant: Monica Escaleras

Room: Hialeah


Session Chair: Chuanyi Guo
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Impact of State Financial Intervention on School District Fiscal Performance: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design Download paper
Presenter: Chuanyi Guo
Discussant: Rene Cabral

Public Debt Sustainability and Political Networks: The Case of Subnational Debt in Mexico Download paper
Presenter: Rene Cabral
Co-Author(s): Fausto Hernández-Trillo; Ernesto del Castillo
Discussant: Jen Sidorova

Policy Path Dependence and Public Pension Debt: How Statutory Funding Policy Can Shape Political Decision Making for State Run Pension Systems Download paper
Presenter: Jen Sidorova
Co-Author(s): Anthony Randazzo
Discussant: Lang Yang

Who Pays Attention to Government Information? Housing and Credit Market Responses to New York Fiscal Stress Monitoring System Download paper
Presenter: Lang Yang
Discussant: Chuanyi Guo

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

Ruling and Economic Policy

Session Chair: Richard Jong-A-Pin
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Rich or Alive? Political (in)stability, political leader selection and economic growth Download paper
Presenter: Richard Jong-A-Pin
Co-Author(s): Yu, Shu
Discussant: Steven Craig

Samuelson Meets Federalism: Local Production of a National Public Good Download paper
Presenter: Steven Craig
Co-Author(s): Brueckner, Jan; Lee, Kangoh
Discussant: Pierre Siklos

The Evolving Scope and Content of Central Bank Speeches Download paper
Presenter: Pierre Siklos
Co-Author(s): St. Amand, Samantha; Wajda Joanna
Discussant: Richard Jong-A-Pin

Room: Gulfstream


Session Chair: Edwar Escalante
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Night watchers and Terrorists Download paper
Presenter: Edwar Escalante
Discussant: Ilia Murtazashvili

VoxPrey: Think tanks and the predatory state Download paper
Presenter: Ilia Murtazashvili
Co-Author(s): Mylovanov, Tymofiy; Murtazashvili, Jennifer
Discussant: Ennio Piano

Mercenaries Download paper
Presenter: Ennio Piano
Co-Author(s): Peter T Leeson
Discussant: Henry Thompson

Identity and Off-Diagonals: How Permanent Winning Coalitions Destroy Democratic Governance Download paper
Presenter: Henry Thompson
Co-Author(s): Peter J. Boettke
Discussant: Edwar Escalante

Room: Kentucky Suite

Rent Seeking and Extraction

Session Chair: Dalila Lindov
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Are legislators responsive to contributions from teachers’ unions? Download paper
Presenter: Dalila Lindov
Discussant: Jordan Lofthouse

Don’t buffalo me: The political economy of American Prairie Reserve Download paper
Presenter: Jordan Lofthouse
Discussant: Fabio Padovano

Exploring the Determinants and Consequences of the Stringency of Environmental Policies
Presenter: Fabio Padovano
Co-Author(s): Cadoret Isabelle
Discussant: Dalila Lindov

6:00pm – 11:59pm

Dinner on Own

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Room: Pimlico

Career Impact Workshop (By Invitation) – Sponsored by Public Choice Society and Institute for Humane Studies

Saturday, March 16, 2019

7:00am – 5:00pm

Room: Regency Ballroom Foyer

Conference Registration Desk and Book Exhibitors

7:00am – 8:00am

Room: Regency Ballroom Foyer

Continental Breakfast

8:00am – 9:30am

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Legislative Processes

Session Chair: Jonathan Ernest
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Sunsetting Yourself Up for Success: A Model of Legislative Usage of Sunset Provisions Download paper
Presenter: Jonathan Ernest
Discussant: Mark Crain

Durable Diversity in State Legislative Actions Download paper
Presenter: Mark Crain
Co-Author(s): Crain, Nicole; Clark, Judson; Clark, Kiley
Discussant: Fabio Padovano

Political Legislation Cycles in a Country in Transition Towards Democracy: The Case of South Korea
Presenter: Fabio Padovano
Co-Author(s): Lagona, Francesco
Discussant: Franck Viroleau

A Model of Influence on Trade Policy in a General Equilibrium Model Download paper
Presenter: Franck Viroleau
Discussant: Jonathan Ernest

Room: Regency South B

Theory and Elections I

Session Chair: Nicolaus Tideman
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Evaluating Algorithms for Replicating Voting Data Download paper
Presenter: Nicolaus Tideman
Co-Author(s): Song, Chang Geun
Discussant: Dmitriy Vorobyev

Information Disclosure in Elections with Sequential Costly Participation Download paper
Presenter: Dmitriy Vorobyev
Discussant: Keith Dougherty

The Probability of Sen’s Liberal Paradox Download paper
Presenter: Keith Dougherty
Co-Author(s): Edward, Julian
Discussant: Jac Heckelman

Symmetrical Positional Scoring Rules
Presenter: Jac Heckelman
Co-Author(s): Ragan, Robi
Discussant: Nicolaus Tideman

Room: Regency South A

Juries and the Law

Session Chair: Garrett Petersen
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Three Angry Men: A Framed Jury Experiment Download paper
Presenter: Garrett Petersen
Discussant: Thomas Apolte

The Dynamics of Political Myths and Ideologies Download paper
Presenter: Thomas Apolte
Co-Author(s): Julia Müller
Discussant: Sultan Mehmood

Judiciary’s Achilles Heel: Executive Control via Appointment Power Download paper
Presenter: Sultan Mehmood
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

The Decline of the Court Martial
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Discussant: Garrett Petersen

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

Voting Behavior

Session Chair: Luis Aguiar-Conraria
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Quorum in the laboratory when electors enjoy voting Download paper
Presenter: Luis Aguiar-Conraria
Co-Author(s): Magalhães, Pedro; Vanberg, Christoph
Discussant: liza charroin

Log-rolling under majority and unanimity rule
Presenter: liza charroin
Co-Author(s): Vanberg, Christoph
Discussant: D. Marc Kilgour

The Prevalence and Consequences of Ballot Truncation in Ranked-Choice Elections Download paper
Presenter: D. Marc Kilgour
Co-Author(s): Grégoire, Jean-Charles; Foley, Angèle M.
Discussant: Wilson Law

Issue Importance and Voting Behavior Download paper
Presenter: Wilson Law
Co-Author(s): Flavin, Patrick
Discussant: Luis Aguiar-Conraria

Room: Hialeah

Analytical Narratives

Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Ostrom vs. Habraken: Contrasting Views of Economic and Environmental Governance
Presenter: John Horowitz

Room: Gulfstream

Public Policy and Economic Consequences I

Session Chair: Ray March
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Monitoring and the Formalization of Schools Download paper
Presenter: Dillon Tauzin
Discussant: Yancheng Xiao

Network Centrality and Vaccination Probability Download paper
Presenter: Yancheng Xiao
Discussant: Ray March

From neglect to control: Medical rent-seeking and the feeble-minded in the United States, 1880 to 1923 Download paper
Presenter: Ray March
Co-Author(s): Vincent Geloso; Ray March
Discussant: Noah Trudeau

To Death: The Cost to Consumers of Regulation of the Funeral Industry Download paper
Presenter: Noah Trudeau
Discussant: Dillon Tauzin

Room: Churchill Downs

Federalism II

Session Chair: James Klingensmith
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Legislation vs. Movements: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis of their impact on the Wage Gap Download paper
Presenter: Patricia Saenz-Armstrong
Discussant: Luke Rodgers

Housing values and jurisdictional fragmentation Download paper
Presenter: Luke Rodgers
Co-Author(s): Hatfield, John William; Kosec, Katrina
Discussant: James Klingensmith

Does Playing Chicken Work? Budget Impasses and Gubernatorial Elections Download paper
Presenter: James Klingensmith
Discussant: Patricia Saenz-Armstrong

Room: Kentucky Suite

Virginia Political Economy

Session Chair: Gordon Brady
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

George J. Stigler’s relationship to the Virginia school of political economy
Presenter: Gordon Brady
Co-Author(s): Brady, Gordon L.; Forte, Francesco
Discussant: Kazunobu Okubo

Abstract James M. Buchanan from Chicago to Virginia: Knight’s influence on Buchanan
Presenter: Gordon Brady
Co-Author(s): Gordon L. Brady and Francesco Forte
Discussant: Dwight Lee

An alternative diagrammatic exposition of Clarke tax Download paper
Presenter: Kazunobu Okubo
Discussant: Dwight Lee

The Bitter Angels of our Nature Download paper
Presenter: Dwight Lee
Discussant: Gordon Brady

Room: Keeneland


Session Chair: Conor Lennon
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Minimum Wages, Morality, and Efficiency: A Choice Experiment
Presenter: Conor Lennon
Co-Author(s): Fernandez, Jose; Gohmann, Stephan; Teltser, Keith
Discussant: Corey DeAngelis

The Effects of Regulations on Private School Choice Program Participation: Experimental Evidence from California and New York Download paper
Presenter: Corey DeAngelis
Co-Author(s): Burke, Lindsey; Wolf, Patrick
Discussant: Douglas Norton

The Backward Hustle: An Experimental Investigation of Tax Code Notches and Labor Supply
Presenter: Douglas Norton
Co-Author(s): John Gibson and Robert White
Discussant: Conor Lennon

9:30am – 10:00am

Coffee Break – Sponsored by Center for Study of Public Choice

10:00am – 11:20am

Room: Regency Ballroom South

Plenary Session 3: Martin Paldam and Chris Doucouliagos on Meta Studies

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Roger Congleton

Economic Researchers are Human! Evidence from Meta Studies
Presenter: Martin Paldam

Economic Researchers are Human! Evidence from Meta Studies
Presenter: Chris Doucouliagos

11:20am – 11:30am


11:30am – 1:00pm

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Regressive Effects of Regulation

Session Chair: Diana Thomas
Session Organizer: Diana Thomas

Don’t TREAD on me: Investigating the effectiveness of tire pressure monitoring systems on vehicle crashes
Presenter: Sean Mulholland
Discussant: Patrick McLaughlin

The Supply of Regulation and the Extent of the Industry
Presenter: James Bailey
Discussant: Dustin Chambers

Regulation, entrepreneurship, and firm size
Presenter: Dustin Chambers
Co-Author(s): McLaughlin, Patrick; Richards, Tyler
Discussant: James Bailey

The Regulatory Census, Version 0.1
Presenter: Patrick McLaughlin
Discussant: Sean Mulholland

Room: Churchill Downs

Public Policy and Economic Consequences II

Session Chair: Emily Hamilton
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Effects of Inclusionary Zoning in the Baltimore-Washington Region Download paper
Presenter: Emily Hamilton
Discussant: Robert Hazel

Explaining an Outlier – Why does the U.S. System of Airport Governance and Economic Regulation Persist? Download paper
Presenter: Robert Hazel
Discussant: Zachary Bartsch

Separating Uncertainties Download paper
Presenter: Zachary Bartsch
Discussant: Feler Bose

Perverse Ecology in Opioid Addiction Treatments & Innovations around them Download paper
Presenter: Feler Bose
Co-Author(s): Punyamurtula Kishore
Discussant: Emily Hamilton

Room: Kentucky Suite

Trust and Governance I

Session Chair: George Clarke
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The impact of social capital on an MSE’s productivity: evidence from Zambia Download paper
Presenter: George Clarke
Co-Author(s): Boudreaux, Chris; Jha, Anand
Discussant: Qijun Liu

How particularized trust spills over to generalized trust Download paper
Presenter: Qijun Liu
Discussant: George Melios

Corruption and political trust in Europe in the era of austerity Download paper
Presenter: George Melios
Discussant: Daniel Rothschild

Room: Regency Ballroom South

A Tribute to James Gwartney

Session Chair: Joseph Connors
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Jim Gwartney: Happy Warrior and the Public Choice Revolution
Presenter: Joseph Connors

Jim Gwartney – Champion of Freedom, Markets, and Economic Education
Presenter: Brandon Brice

Honoring my intellectual father (and personal role model)
Presenter: Daniel Bennett

The Impact of James Gwartney on the Promotion of Freedom in Society, Economic Education, and his Students
Presenter: Hugo Moises Montesinos-Yufa

Notes on economic education: Comments in celebration of Jim Gwartney
Presenter: Douglas Norton

Common sense public choice
Presenter: Randall Holcombe

Learning from the Best: A Pedagogical Note on James Gwartney’s Approach to Economics Education
Presenter: Rosemarie Fike

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

Law & Econ III

Session Chair: Bryan McCannon
Session Organizer: Kevin Grier

The Political Economy of Death: Do Elected Coroners perform as well as Medical Examiners in determining suicide?
Presenter: Jose Fernandez
Discussant: Shannon Graham

Forfeit Efficiency for Revenue Generation? A Frontier Approach to Police Efficiency Download paper
Presenter: Shannon Graham
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

Informational Value of Challenging an Incumbent Prosecutor Download paper
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Discussant: Alexander Cardazzi

The Efficacy of Newly Deployed Law Enforcement Resources
Presenter: Alexander Cardazzi
Co-Author(s): DeAngelo, Gregory; Harvey, Anna
Discussant: Jose Fernandez

Room: Hialeah

International Panel Data Studies

Session Chair: Marcelin Joanis
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Do fiscal rules cause fiscal discipline over the electoral cycle? Download paper
Presenter: Marcelin Joanis
Co-Author(s): Eklou, Kodjovi M.
Discussant: Imran Arif

The determinants of international migration: Unbundling the role of political, economic, and social institutions Download paper
Presenter: Imran Arif
Discussant: Pablo Garofalo

Broken promises: regime announcements and exchange rates around elections Download paper
Presenter: Pablo Garofalo
Co-Author(s): Jorge M. Streb
Discussant: Marcelin Joanis

Strategic use of debt: Evidence from presidential transitions in Latin America Download paper
Presenter: Pablo Garofalo
Discussant: Marcelin Joanis

Room: Gulfstream

Corruption and Governance

Session Chair: Robert Gillanders
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Greasing the Turbines? Corruption and Access to Electricity in Africa Download paper
Presenter: Robert Gillanders
Co-Author(s): Cummins, Mark
Discussant: Gamze Kargın-Akkoç

Rule of Law, Regulatory Capture and Electricity Theft
Presenter: Gamze Kargın-Akkoç
Co-Author(s): Oğuz, Fuat
Discussant: Andre Assumpcao

Estimating the Effect of Discretion in Public Spending on Government Performance: Evidence from Brazilian Municipalities Download paper
Presenter: Andre Assumpcao
Co-Author(s): Biderman, Ciro; Avelino, George
Discussant: Vitezslav Titl

Political Connections and Competition on Public Procurement Markets Download paper
Presenter: Vitezslav Titl
Co-Author(s): Baranek, Bruno
Discussant: Robert Gillanders

Room: Keeneland

Ignorance, Illusions, and Politics I

Session Chair: Scott King
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Cults of Personality Download paper
Presenter: Scott King
Discussant: Nobuhiro Mizuno

Why do voters elect less qualified candidates? Download paper
Presenter: Nobuhiro Mizuno
Co-Author(s): Okazawa, Ryosuke
Discussant: James Endersby

Political Information Costs and Turnout: Reconsidering the Calculus of Voting Download paper
Presenter: James Endersby
Co-Author(s): Kim, Gidong
Discussant: Shane Sanders

Informed Voters, Uninformed Voters, and Electoral Outcomes: A Natural Experiment from Major League Baseball MVP Voting Download paper
Presenter: Shane Sanders
Co-Author(s): Joel Potter
Discussant: Scott King

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Room: Regency Ballroom North

Awards Luncheon

2:40pm – 4:10pm

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Culture, Institutions and Development II

Session Chair: Daniel Bennett
Session Organizer: Daniel Bennett

Geography, Institutions and Economic Development Download paper
Presenter: James Gwartney
Co-Author(s): Montesinos, Hugo
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov

Does Economic Freedom boost Growth for Everyone? Download paper
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov
Co-Author(s): Bergh, Andreas
Discussant: Joseph Connors

The Process of Development and Implications for Worldwide Income Inequality Download paper
Presenter: Joseph Connors
Co-Author(s): Gwartney, James; Montesinos, Hugo
Discussant: Daniel Bennett

Egalitarian institutions, cultural norms & economic gender inequality Download paper
Presenter: Daniel Bennett
Co-Author(s): Matthew Bonick
Discussant: Andreas Bergh

Room: Regency South B

Freedom, Politics, and Growth

Session Chair: Wilson Law
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Evolution of Economic Liberalization and Growth Download paper
Presenter: Wilson Law
Discussant: Dennis Coates

Components of Economic Freedom Impact on corporate performance: the evidence from Russian public companies
Presenter: Dennis Coates
Co-Author(s): Bykova, Anna
Discussant: Ilia Murtazashvili

Are individualistic societies more democratic? Download paper
Presenter: Ilia Murtazashvili
Co-Author(s): Salahodjaev, Raufhon; Nikolaev, Boris; Cai, Meina; Murtazashvili, Jennifer
Discussant: Wilson Law

Room: Regency South A

Memorial Session on the Contributions of Larry Kenny

Session Chair: Roger Congleton
Session Organizer: Edward Lopez

Understanding Political Institutions and their Effects: The Intellectual Contributions of Lawrence Kenny
Presenter: Joshua Hall

Empirical Public Choice and Generous Mentoring: How Larry Kenny Excelled at Both
Presenter: Edward Lopez

Public School Finance in Florida: Larry Kenny’s Contribution
Presenter: Randall Holcombe

Room: Churchill Downs

Constitutional Political Economy

Session Chair: Laura Jenkins
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Paradise lost: the effect of judicial review on congressional deliberation over the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate Download paper
Presenter: Laura Jenkins
Co-Author(s): Jenkins, Laura
Discussant: Andrew Young

Sovereignty versus Commitment Download paper
Presenter: Andrew Young
Discussant: Andrew Jonelis

Signal of Strength? Executive Control of the Legislature and Growth Download paper
Presenter: Andrew Jonelis
Discussant: Laura Jenkins

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

Public Finance

Session Chair: Kaetana Leontjeva
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Fiscal Truth: Personal Fiscal Information Curbs Enthusiasm for Tax and Spend Download paper
Presenter: Kaetana Leontjeva
Discussant: Roger Congleton

On the Causes of Social Security: Post Sample Forecasts of the Congleton and Shughart Model Download paper
Presenter: Roger Congleton
Co-Author(s): Marsella, Alex; Kim, Youngshin
Discussant: Gary Wagner

Campaigning For Retirement: State Teacher Union Campaign Contributions and Pension Generosity Download paper
Presenter: Gary Wagner
Co-Author(s): Elder, Erick M.
Discussant: Kaetana Leontjeva

Room: Hialeah

The Economics of the Past

Session Chair: Ennio Piano
Session Organizer: Ennio Piano

The Role of the Executive Branch’s Settlement Authority in the Interest-Group Theory of Government Download paper
Presenter: Bryan Cutsinger
Discussant: Ennio Piano

Inflationary finance in revolutionary France
Presenter: Louis Rouanet
Co-Author(s): Bryan Cutsinger ; Joshua Ingber
Discussant: Rosolino Candela

Productive Specialization, Peaceful Cooperation, and the Problem of the Predatory State: Lessons from Comparative Historical Political Economy Download paper
Presenter: Rosolino Candela
Co-Author(s): Boettke, Peter
Discussant: Louis Rouanet

Filling the ranks: The Remplacement Militaire in post-revolutionary France
Presenter: Louis Rouanet
Co-Author(s): Ennio Piano
Discussant: Bryan Cutsinger

Room: Kentucky Suite

Smith, Buchanan, and Ethics

Session Chair: Nimai Mehta
Session Organizer: Yong Yoon

The Extent of the Market and Ethics Download paper
Presenter: Yong Yoon
Discussant: Nimai Mehta

The Productive-Unproductive Puzzle in Adam Smith: What have we Missed? Download paper
Presenter: Nimai Mehta
Discussant: David Coker

“From Convention to Social Contract” Download paper
Presenter: David Coker
Discussant: David Levy

James Buchanan and the Return to an Economics of Natural Equals Download paper
Presenter: David Levy
Co-Author(s): Peart, Sandra J.
Discussant: Yong Yoon

Room: Gulfstream

Conflict, Elections and Growth

Session Chair: Marek Kaminski
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

PR versus SMDs: Tradeoff between higher turnout and lower quality of votes? Evidence from the Polish local elections of 2014 and 2010. Download paper
Presenter: Marek Kaminski
Co-Author(s): Flis, Jarek
Discussant: Kim Leonie Kellermann

Immigration and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments – Evidence from the 2017 German Parliamentary Election Download paper
Presenter: Kim Leonie Kellermann
Co-Author(s): Winter, Simon
Discussant: Zachary Schaller

Bargaining and conflict with up-front investments Download paper
Presenter: Zachary Schaller
Co-Author(s): Skaperdas, Stergios
Discussant: Marek Kaminski

Room: Keeneland

Enforcing the Law

Session Chair: Michael Hasday
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Rank-Order Method for Appellate Subset Selection Download paper
Presenter: Michael Hasday
Discussant: Perry Ferrell

Beat cops and beat reporters: The impact of local press on police behavior
Presenter: Perry Ferrell
Discussant: Julia Norgaard

The Impact of Plea Bargaining on the Reduction of Case Backlog in the Ugandan Judicial System
Presenter: Julia Norgaard
Discussant: Bryan McCannon

Who Wants to Plea Bargain? Download paper
Presenter: Bryan McCannon
Discussant: Michael Hasday

4:10pm – 4:20pm


4:20pm – 5:50pm

Room: Cherokee-Shawnee

Regulation and Politics

Session Chair: Ted Rossier
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

From the quad to the courts: speech codes and lawsuits at public universities Download paper
Presenter: Ted Rossier
Discussant: John Beck

Voting on carbon taxes in the state of Washington Download paper
Presenter: John Beck
Discussant: Shelby Grossman

The Collusion Dilemma: Theory with Evidence from Informal Markets in Lagos, Nigeria
Presenter: Shelby Grossman
Co-Author(s): Grossman, Shelby; Holland, Alisha
Discussant: Christopher John Cruz

Feeling Squeezed? Impact of Social Security Benefit Cuts on Labor Supply and Savings of the Elderly
Presenter: Christopher John Cruz
Co-Author(s): Cruz, Christopher John
Discussant: Ted Rossier

Room: Regency South B

Trust and Governance II

Session Chair: Laurenz Derksen
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Origins of Ethnic Clientelism
Presenter: Laurenz Derksen
Co-Author(s): Bonick, Matthew
Discussant: Wanlin Lin

Institutional Diversity of the Redevelopment of Urban Villages in China Download paper
Presenter: Wanlin Lin
Discussant: Alexander Craig

Is Social Capital Underproduced and Can it Be Cultivated? Download paper
Presenter: Alexander Craig
Co-Author(s): Haeffele, Stefanie
Discussant: Roberto Zotti

The sacred and the profane of budget cycles: evidence from Italian municipalities Download paper
Presenter: Roberto Zotti
Co-Author(s): Revelli Federico
Discussant: Laurenz Derksen

Room: Regency South A

Theory and Elections II

Session Chair: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Election inversions in a parliamentary democracy with proportional representation
Presenter: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
Discussant: Yasushi Asako

Strategic Ambiguity with Probabilistic Voting Download paper
Presenter: Yasushi Asako
Discussant: Tetsuro Okazaki

Valence, Endorsement and Media Diversity in Election Download paper
Presenter: Tetsuro Okazaki
Discussant: Steven Brams

The Excess Method: A Multiwinner Approval Voting Procedure to Allocate Wasted Votes
Presenter: Steven Brams
Co-Author(s): Brill, Markus
Discussant: Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard

Room: Kentucky Suite

Wagnerian Political Economy

Session Chair: Diana Thomas
Session Organizer: Diana Thomas

The Tax Code as an Emergent Phenomenon Download paper
Presenter: Jeremy Horpedahl
Discussant: Diana Thomas

The Fiscal Squeeze: State Budgets between Fiscal Illusion, Fiscal Commons, and the Tyranny of Experts
Presenter: Diana Thomas
Co-Author(s): Thomas, Michael D.
Discussant: Adam Martin

Talk in Political Economy: Spurious Speech or Decisive Deliberation? Download paper
Presenter: Adam Martin
Discussant: Richard Wagner

Emergence and Entanglement in a Theory of Political Economy Download paper
Presenter: Richard Wagner
Discussant: Jeremy Horpedahl

Room: Seneca-Iroquois

Political Economy of the Korean Peninsula

Session Chair: Yong Yoon
Session Organizer: Yong Yoon

North Korea’s National Identity and Nuclear Weapons Download paper
Presenter: Pyungse (Daniel) Cho
Discussant: Bong Yoon

Socialist activism in S. Korea Download paper
Presenter: Bong Yoon
Discussant: Young Back Choi

Innovation Policies in South Korea Download paper
Presenter: Young Back Choi
Discussant: Yong Yoon

Denuclearization and Ambiguity Download paper
Presenter: Yong Yoon
Discussant: Pyungse (Daniel) Cho

Room: Hialeah

Ignorance, Illusions, and Politics II

Session Chair: William McAndrew
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Does the Hayek-Friedman Hypothesis Apply to the Internet? Download paper
Presenter: William McAndrew
Co-Author(s): Klingensmith, J. Zachary
Discussant: Olga Shvetsova

A heresthetic theory of constitution and treaty making
Presenter: Olga Shvetsova
Co-Author(s): Farrer. Benjamin; Carol Mershon, Carol
Discussant: M. Garrett Roth

Everything is Broken: Social Desirability Bias and Public Opinion Polling, 2012 vs. 2016 Download paper
Presenter: M. Garrett Roth
Discussant: Anna Nowak

You failed! Government Satisfaction and Party Preferences Facing Islamist Terrorism Download paper
Presenter: Anna Nowak
Discussant: William McAndrew

Room: Churchill Downs

Municipal Governance

Session Chair: Corey DeAngelis
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The Economic Impact of City-County Consolidations: A Synthetic Control Approach Download paper
Presenter: Joshua Hall
Co-Author(s): Matti, Josh; Zhou, Yang
Discussant: Weijie Luo

Technical Efficiency of U.S. Municipal Governments
Presenter: Caitlin O’Loughlin
Co-Author(s): Wilson, Paul W.
Discussant: Corey DeAngelis

Determinants of government size: does business experience matter?
Presenter: Weijie Luo
Co-Author(s): Zhang, Guangnan
Discussant: Joshua Hall

Which schools participate? An analysis of private school voucher program participation decisions across seven locations Download paper
Presenter: Corey DeAngelis
Discussant: Caitlin O’Loughlin

Room: Gulfstream

Sociology and Public Policy

Session Chair: Qijun Liu
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

Social mobility in China Download paper
Presenter: Qijun Liu
Discussant: Dagmar Schulze Heuling

Power – A Missed Criterion for Common-Pool Resources Institutions? Download paper
Presenter: Dagmar Schulze Heuling
Discussant: Ryan Murphy

Room: Keeneland

Public Policy and Economic Consequences III

Session Chair: Vasyl Kvartiuk
Session Organizer: President-Elect Session

The political economy of phasing out energy subsidies for groundwater irrigation in Iran Download paper
Presenter: Vasyl Kvartiuk
Co-Author(s): Vasyl Kvartiuk
Discussant: Tomomi Miyazaki

Interactions between Monetary and Fiscal Stimulus and Regional Employment: Evidence from Japan Download paper
Presenter: Tomomi Miyazaki
Co-Author(s): Haruo Kondo
Discussant: Jacob Burgdorf

Exclusive Territories and Efficiency: Evidence from the brewing industry Download paper
Presenter: Jacob Burgdorf
Discussant: Vasyl Kvartiuk

6:00pm – 7:30pm

Room: The Spire

Closing Cocktail Reception – Sponsored by the Manuel H. Johnson Center for Political Economy at Troy University and Public Choice Society

7:30pm – 11:30pm

Dinner on Own